Nature-based Approaches for a Resilient Future: Bridging the Gaps.
Who is this book suitable for?
The collection presents new perspectives on the importance of nature and culture to our identity, wellbeing and adapting to the future. The anthology will be essential for cross-cultural professional teams designing for wellbeing, especially architects, those in healthcare and those involved with conservation and outdoor recreation. Readers will embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery, emerging wiser and stronger for it.
What those who have read the book say
"...a real gem.." ~ from the USA
"...many parts resonate with me..." ~ from the USA
"It really made me think!" "...clear-eyed and balanced..." ~ from Australia
".. so descriptive, filled with nuances, the language is wonderful. It is VERY thought-provoking and impactful!" ~ from NZ
"... a refreshing read!" ~ from NZ
"...very clever...unfurled organically!" ~ from NZ
"...brilliant book of essays..." ~ from the UK
"...must have taken courage to write...!" from several USA and NZ readers
Learn more of what others say about Debbie's work and how she gives back.
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I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ~ Thoreau
Through workshops, conference presentations, podcasts, and online education, Dr Early focuses on sharing her experience from working, across five countries, in academia, corporate, non-profits and small business organisations, offering professionals the tools they require to explore their relationship with culture and the natural world. She has worked internationally as a regulatory medical writer, professional development trainer and retreat facilitator. She has also taught professionals and healthcare providers internationally, at the masters-level, engaging contemplative pedagogy and creative expression for self-care, nature connection and wellbeing, She is passionate about research to practice application and building community. She is closely engaged with current empirical research to inform best practice imaginatively weaving this with creative design. Debbie lives, boat access only, in the native forest surrounding the Queen Charlotte Track in Aotearoa New Zealand.
“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.”
~ Terri Swearingen
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